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Our Schools

Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

Arrival Procedures

- The school doors will be open at 7:30am for students.  Classes begin at 7:50am. Please have your child arrive early to eat breakfast in the classroom and prepared to learn at 7:50am. 

- Main entrance doors will be open to welcome all students. 

- Pre-K and Kindergarten students can be brought to the East Doors at the Teacher Parking Lot to be handed over to staff so they can bring them to their classrooms; we will not have the building open to the public.

- Please keep in mind that the gates to our Teacher Parking Lots will be closed

-There will be adults in the halls assisting all our students on how to get to their classrooms. We are confident that all our students will be able to make it to their classes, as well as, helping to limit safety concerns.  

-The staff parking lot is for Hubbard Heights teachers and staff only Please DO NOT drop off or pick up students from the lot. 


Dismissal Procedures

-Grade levels are dismissed in different areas of the school. Please see the map below to locate your pick-up area for dismissal. 

- Siblings. We have a system that has the eldest sibling go and stay at the youngest sibling's area. Therefore, if you have more than one child attending HHE please plan to pick up your children at the location where the youngest sibling will be stationed. 

- Students not picked up by 3:30 will return to the building and a parent/guardian will need to enter the building and sign-out the child. Please be sure to provide identification.